Thanks to American Girl for sharing the newest BeForever Character with us. As always, all opinions are our own.
I can remember getting my first American Girl book as a young girl, lot of years ago. We used to read the American Girl books, and my girls read them now. I wanted Kirsten so badly when I was a little girl. My daughter Sophie got her first American Girl doll, a Bitty Baby, when she was about 2 1/2 years old. American Girl has been a staple in our home since I was a child. The stories the BeForever characters tell are a great way to bring historical fiction to life and encourage learning and play at the same time. American Girl’s BeForever character Melody Ellison is the newest addition to the lineup and makes a perfect holiday gift.
My youngest daughter’s eyes lit up when Melody entered our house. Melody was on her wishlist the moment she joined the BeForever line-up this fall. Girls will be inspired to lift their voices and be heard, as they share their hopes and dreams with optimistic 19060s era Melody Ellison. Fairness and equality for all people sound like music to Melody’s ears. “More than ever, I need to lend my support at home, at church, and around my neighborhood. It’ll take courage, but adding my voice to others can really make a difference,” is the quote from Melody’s bio on the website. It’s a fitting quote for our current time.
Melody is stunning. Her quality, as all American Girl dolls, is impeccable. Melody joins us everywhere. Dinner, the movies, the grocery store. My daughter loves reading about Melody’s adventure in her books. She gets a front-row seat to the budding Motown music scene, discovers what it means to “raise your voice,” and learns what big changes are happening for the civil rights movement. She joins a journey set in 1960s Detroit, where speaking up and singing out in the face of adversity is not always easy, but when challenges are met as a community, ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things. She gets to travel back in time to meet Melody in an exciting story that lets them choose what happens next!
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