I love handbags and tote bags. But what I love more than handbags and tote bags is handbags and tote bags that are both practical and make my life easier. I have found my new go-to travel carry-on tote bag: the Modal Concept Tote Bag. This bag is the perfect gift for Mother’s Day for any bag lover or traveler on your Mother’s Day shopping list.
The Modal brand focuses on helping make life easier through cleverly designed products that feature surprising functionality. It’s as if the Modal brand has snuck inside my head, or the head of other busy moms, and captured everything we are looking for in the essence of their brand.
The Modal Concept Tote is designed to carry all of your essentials in style. I love the fact that there are so many compartments and pockets! You can store your wallet and other valuables in discreet, water-resistant pockets inside the tote. If you use your tote bag for the gym, there’s even space to store warm hairstyling tools after use. This cleverly designed portable bag can go from the gym to the office. It’s unparalleled functionality would make this a terrific Mother’s Day gift for the busy mom that hits the gym before or after work. If you carry your fitness gear in this Modal Concept Tote Bag, you’ll love the vented heavy-duty, moisture-resistant fitness pocket that has ample room for your workout clothes (including shoes) along with straps for a towel or yoga mat.
Or for the traveling mom, other great features of the Modal Concept Tote Bag include the laptop storage pocket. It’s got a dedicated, secure and padded sleeves for both laptop and tablet storage with quilted soft-touch lining, perfect for traveling to work on a commuter rail or as your carry-on for travel by plane. I love the fact that all of my carry-on travel items can fit securely in their own little pickets inside the tote bag. Put your jacket, neck pillow, or scarf in the yoga mat loops for cary-on travel.
When you shop at Best Buy, remember you get Free Shipping on orders $35 and up. You also get Free Store Pickup and can Pick up your order in as little as 45 minutes.
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What a nice tote! I’d definitely find use for this!