It’s back-to-college time for your older kids. Maybe you pay for your student’s textbooks, or maybe they foot the bill themselves. Either way, you can make money by renting textbooks to others or save money by renting your own, all while helping kids in need!
RentBack is new initiative from that allows students to rent the textbooks they own to other students. Renting makes you 2–4x more money compared to what you’d make through buy-back textbook options! How awesome is that? I wish that had been an option when I was a college student! I could have lost a lot less money doing a rent back of my college textbooks books instead of selling them.
What to get an idea of how much you could make? You can visit the RentBack website and enter your ISBN or book title to find out what your books are worth. Every time your book gets rented out, you get paid.
How does it work?
Here are some of the perks of using RentBack to borrow your college texts:
- Save 40%–90% off typical bookstore prices
- Get free shipping both ways
- Highlight in the textbooks as if you own them
- Get flexible renting periods so you can return your book when you are done, not when the library wants it back
- Have helped students on over 5,800 campuses nationwide!
Check out the infographic below to see how the RentBack process works:
Donate to Operation Smile
One of the other amazing perks about RentBack is that they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented. Operation Smile is an international children’s medical charity that performs cleft lip and cleft palate surgery to children in low- and middle-income countries, and they have been doing it since 1982. Visit the Operation Smile website to learn more about Operation Smile and what they do to save lives and create smiles.
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